Thursday, May 27, 2010

Getting Closer...and Rounder

So here are some more pics of my ever so round belly!
We were in Disneyland this week so I had to improvise without a paper...

I was laughing in this pic because we had tried to get a good picture and then realized after about 3 tries I had the paper backwards. I don't know what was funnier, the fact I had it backwards or the fact that Jeremy didn't even notice when he was the one looking right at me through the camera...

Oh, and here is Jer at 36 weeks... Doesn't he just look miserable?!

And here is a picture that we got at our last ultrasound. Sorry its kinda small. But it's a cute picture of his little mouth, cheeks and nose... can't wait to see them in the flesh!


Sarah said...

It's so crazy to me your already 36 did that happen??? You look so cute, your just a belly. Love the Jer pic, man his life is rough. PS How is it that we were in Disney in the same hotel room and I didn't even know you took a belly pic? Hello!

Elisa & Josh said...

I can't believe it's down to a few weeks! I'm so excited for you! It'll be fun to both have little boys close to the same age. :) Good luck this month!