Monday, May 24, 2010

4 Weeks and counting...Sorta

So, I am slowly coming to terms with myself that I cannot keep my baby in my tummy forever. One day, which is fast approaching, he will have to come out! While I am soooooo excited to finally meet the little guy, I don't know if I'm totally ready to give up my special time with him yet! For those of you who have been pregnant, or are pregnant, even if you didn't enjoy being pregnant, cannot deny that you have a special bond between you and your baby. For 9 whole months, your baby is all yours. You get him/her all to yourself. Granted people can feel the movements on the outside but there is no words to explain the true joy of a mother to be feeling those movements. Right now, I can take my baby where ever I go. We are obviously inseperable. And I hate the thought of not being with him constantly once he is born. And sharing him?!! How do you share something that has been yours for 9 months? I know everyone is just going to love him :) so I will definitely have to get used to that idea! So, since my special 9 month window is slowly closing, I try to treasure and remember every moment I still can while I have the time!! It flies by so fast and once he is born I know time will go even faster!
People stop me in the stores all the time and ask me if I am just absolutely miserable and with a smile on my face I tell them that I'm not and I would stay pregnant longer if I could! Jeremy informed me the other day that I should probably stop saying that to people because they are going to think I'm crazy! Who would want to be pregnant longer than 9 months?! I told him that I reserve the right to be crazy because I was pregnant so I didn't care if they thought I was nuts! Maybe I am!
I am definitely going to miss being pregnant. You are only pregnant for the first time once and it has been so much fun. The last few months have been the most exciting yet and I'm sure that the next few will bring just as many, if not more, joy and excitement!
(I do have more pictures to post of the baby belly and showers but the camera is upstairs and I am currently stuck on the couch quite comfortable and comfort is hard to come by sometimes with a belly so I'm just going to sit here and enjoy it!)


Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

I'm so glad you've enjoyed being pregnant so much! I have felt the same way both times, and even though it's so wonderful to hold your sweet baby, you will probably miss being pregnant, too! I always do! Just means you have to have another one soon. :)

Sarah said...

I can't wait for you to finally share him and for me to get my hands on my cute nephew!!!!

Adam and Sarah said...

I love that, Jen! I felt the same way. People would ask me if I was completely miserable and I'd just say, "no" because I like being prego. Sure there are always bad or uncomfortable days but I figure if you aren't on bedrest or really sick the entire time than you don't really have much to complain about when prego, right? :) I'm glad you love being prego and I'm excited for you to get to meet your little guy.

Jason and Bri said...

I here exactly what your saying, I loved every second of being pregnant, it was amazing! Any ways hope your shower was great.