So, most people go the the dentist every 6 months right?!! Unless you have a TRAUMATIC experience like myself and become downright TERRIFIED of going! Well, I think that the last time I went to the dentist was the year that Jeremy left on his mission....2004. Yeah, that's right. Let me tell you why it has taken me 5 years to go back....
So I arrive at the dentist and I am greeted by a cute little oriental lady. I hadn't been to this dentist since I had my own insurance and they had also switched locations, so they had me fill out all of the paperwork all over, ya know the kind that ask if you have any allergies or health conditions that are IMPORTANT to know. So, it is the end of the day so this little lady was anxious to close up shop and go home. She handed me the papers, I sat down, then she said, "Just fill out no on everything." I thought..."shouldn't I answer it accurately so you know if I have any serious problems???" which I don't, luckily so I marked no on everything and she took me back. Oh how I wish I had never gone to the dentist that day!!!! I don't know how many of you have had your teeth "sand blasted" instead of polished with the little machine they normally use. I know they have a different name for it other than "sand blasting" but that is basically what it is. This cute little lady wasn't so cute anymore!! She got that thing in her hand and she went WILD!! She was sand blasting my tounge, my face, the air! It was out of control. She would occasionally hit my teeth and then I would hear "oh...uh oh..." and then more blasting.... Now, this little blaster doesnt feel good at all when it is blasting something other than TEETH! I felt like I had walked through a sand storm hurricane. My face hurt so bad because she had totally missed my mouth. I did not return to that dentist after that. I was a bit shaken up as you can imagine. So, my lovely husband made me a dentist appointment a month ago for today. I have been dreading it because I hadn't been for so long. Well, I am glad to say that after 5 years of keeping my distance, I only have 2 very small cavities that the hygienist said would fill back up if I would floss everyday. So, if I am good, I won't even have to have them filled! You can even ask Jeremy, he had an appointment before me and I made him stay with me cause I was so nervous. He so willingly told the hygienist my story and she promised me that she would never use it on me because she hates using them as much as I hated it. So here's to hoping that bad days at the dentist are over.