Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Growing Too Fast!

Kohen is now 15 months and I am amazed at the things that he can say, do and understand already!

*His favorite toy is still any ball he sees. He even sees just a basketball hoop, like during sacrament, and will say "ball ball ball" over and over again and point to the hoop.

*He loves the slide at the park and will stare out our back door at the school playground and point to it. He laughs when he goes down, when mom or dad go down and especially laughs when Koda goes down!

*If he sees a hat of any kind he will point to it and then pat his head. He loves wearing them too.

*He loves to cuddle blankets or his stuffed animals

*When he sees flowers he leans forward to "smell" them and says "mmmmm". We stop to smell the flowers in the grocery store, when we are on walks or our center piece on our table. We even had to smell the flowers that were on my birthday cards... funny boy!

*At bed time he loves to tease us with kisses. He will stand up and pretend he will give us a kiss and the second we go to kiss him he falls down in his crib and hides his face laughing! So we pretend to walk out and he does it all over again.

*He LOVES books! He will crawl behind his rocker in his room and will look at all of his books. He would sit there all day if I let him. His favorite book right now is his Jesus book and the book about bubbles.

*He is just starting to walk. He is getting pretty good at it and I must say I am excited he is walking now. I love having him come up behind me when I'm cooking or something and he just wraps his arms around my legs. That's my new favorite thing. Our new thing is helping mom push the cart while grocery shopping.

*He loves to tease Koda and laughs so hard when Koda chases him or licks his face.

*Words he can say are: Banana, Balloon, Ball, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Bath, Shoes (boos), Book, Bubble, moon, Watermelon (its hard to describe in words how he says this but it actually really sounds like watermelon), Koda, Drum (sounds a lot like "mum"). He loves drums. Anything he can hit his hands on and it makes noise is a drum. We had a jam session on the table during lunch yesterday.

*Words he knows in sign language: More, Please, Milk, Shoes

*Sounds he can make: Horse, tiger, cow, firetruck, duck, motorcycle (voom), crashing noise. He will take his Mickey Mouse toy with wheels and ram it into the couch and say "crash" or make a crashing noise (that I'm not really sure how to describe) and then just laugh and do it all over again.

*Pictures he can recognize: He can pick out balls, flowers, fish, mom and dad, and drums in books or in pictures around the house.

*When we ask him to show his muscles he raises his fists in the air and tenses up. Its really something you have to see because his facial expression is priceless!

*He can be Tarzan, on demand, by patting his chest and saying "AAAHHHH"

*His new thing is when you ask him a yes or no question he nods his head yes. Cutest thing ever.

*I have been trying to get him to blow kisses for a few months and last night he finally did it! I must say it completely melted my heart!

*He can make a fish face... hard to explain again, but super funny and cute!

*His newest thing is being cute. If you ask him if he is cute, or to be cute, he puts his hands on his cheeks and tilts his head to the side and smiles. Soooooo funny! (and cute!)

We haven't had a camera for the last month because it broke and we had to send it in. Of course it has to be the time when Kohen starts walking and doing all this new stuff, so once I get some of this recorded I will post a video. I'm sure there are probably things I'm leaving out especially because it seems like he learns something new every day.

I love watching him growing up and learning new things! He has the cutest personality and is the happiest little guy I know!